Our easy chairs have an ergonomic and sturdy design with various adjustments possible and meet all intensive usage requirements.
There are 43 products.
Raiser armchair with reclining backrest.
Relaxing armchair manufactured EPSM use.
Blood sampling chair with reclining backrest.
3 funtions lift chair : seated, lying reclined position and lift.
Fixed height commode chair with fixed armrests .
Fixed height and fixed comfort armrests .
Fixed height commode chair with removable/adjustable armrests .
Fixed height commode chair with fixed comfort armrests .
Fixed height commode chair with large backrest with fixed comfort armrests.
Commode chair, height adjustmen t and fixed armrests .
Commode chair, height adjustment and fixed comfort armrests .
Commode chair, height adjustment, retractable armrests and large backrest .